Saturday, December 29, 2012

I Will Always Love You

I know that there will be times that I get very angry with you over things that you have done or mistakes that you have made. And your first reaction will be that I hate hate or that I dislike you or something close to that... all of which is the furthest from the truth. My job as a father is raise you and instill ethics, morals and values that can make you a  healthy member in society. You will make mistakes, we both know that. You will not be perfect and no one is infallible. If the the mistake is severe I can't ignore it and pretend that it didn't happen. These are teachable moments for you and my role as a father is to find some way to teach you through that moment.

These moment's may be tense and you may become angry and hurt by the things I say. But what is most important is that I am angry because you are my child and I have high expectations of you. If I didn't love you I wouldn't are what you do as long as it doesn't affect me or my lively hood. However, since you are my child, every action, whether positive or negative, is a direct reflection on me and your mother.

You may not understand what I am saying now and it may take you a while to understand what I am saying. It may be a long time before you fully understand what I am saying. I just want you to know that we have many day ahead of us where we may get upset at each other, but that is not born out of hatred. Despite whatever challenges that we have as a family, no matter how angry we get at each other.... on thing will always remain constant... you are my children and I will always love you.

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