Sunday, December 16, 2012

My Children

Although I started this blog in 2007, this is my first actual post I've ever made. Therefore, I am new to blogging despite having this page for 5 years. I was actually surprised when I opened up Blogger and discovered that I still had this account despite never using it. I assumed that with 5 years of inactivity that this blog would have disappeared. I've been telling my friends that I've been thinking about starting a blog and I'm really pleased that I found this page gathering dust in the blogger matrix.

There are several reasons as to why I decided to start this blog.... but the primary reason is for the two children you see in this picture of this blog. I have an uncle, whom I've never met, that was recently murdered in the Philippines. Then just this past Friday, December 14, 2012 a 20 year old gunman entered Sandy Hook Elementary school killing 20 children, 6 adults and himself and he had shot his mother earlier in the day. These tragedies certainly have me questioning my own mortality and have been a cause for reflection. If I were to leave this earth tomorrow, what legacy of me will my children have? How will they remember me? When they think about me... what will they remember? 

This blog, I hope, will be the beginning of an electronic record of my thoughts, teachings and parental guidance for them to have. We are all one step away from death, that much I do know. Of course for the majority of us, it is uncertain when that time shall come. My desire as a father is to leave a tangible piece of me behind for my children to grasp on to, should I ever leave this earth without ample time to talk to them.

Therefore, this blog will be a collection of my introspection's on life, my photographs and other media pieces I have created. Although this blog is dedicated to my children, I am also publishing this so that I can share this with the world....